Suyun təmizlənməsi sistemi

Suyun təmizlənməsi sistemi

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VOCEE Nanofiltrasiya sistemi

Nanofiltration(NF) is a membrane separation process that can remove many dissolved high-molecular-weight compounds from the feed water. NF membranes also referred to as "softening membranes" as they remove the hardness from the feed water while leaving the majority of low-molecular-weight ions in the water.

NF membranes can also remove large organic molecules over 1,000 Daltons, such as color substances in water. NF systems have substituted reverse osmosis treatment in many applications where the ultimate process merely requires the removal of hardness and large organic matters.

Depending on your source of inlet water (groundwater, surface water or tap water, etc.), the total dissolved solids content varies from 500 ppm to 15,000 ppm. Contact VOCEE to custom-design the NF system that is most suitable for your facility.



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